Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Proposal Story

We interrupt this travel blog to bring you this very special announcement:

Mr. NYC has asked me to marry him! Of course I said yes.

Here's the story:
We had reservations at our favorite restaurant here in town on Friday night. Long story short - I thought we were making them for restaurant week, but I had the dates screwed up. I offered to cancel them so we could go somewhere less expensive, but he wouldn't hear of it. This should have been clue #1 that something was up. 

During the day on Friday he texted me a couple of times to find out when I was getting off work, and heading home. Then he said he was going to leave a little early too. This should have been clue #2. 

I got home, and he was already there. I told him I just wanted to freshen up and then we could head to the restaurant, since they have a GREAT happy hour. So I changed out of my work clothes, freshened my make up, and exchanged my work jewelry for more flashy evening jewelry. I did notice that the ring box was still there, so thought to myself "tonight isn't the night, no big deal. he's planning some surprise later." 

We went to dinner, enjoyed some drinks at the bar before hand. He said a couple of times that we were celebrating my new job, he was thanking me for all I'd done for him, etc. So I should just enjoy myself, and get what I wanted. I thought to myself that was odd - we'd already been out to celebrate the new job, and he usually isn't that effusive about things. Should have been clue #3. 

We finished our meal, and came on home. I settled in on the couch to relax and watch some TV. That's when he came out with the ring, got down on one knee and said "now I can ask you to be mine. will you marry me?" 

I said yes, hell yes I will. And then promptly teared up. 

He then went into the guest room and came out with 5 dozen roses. Yes - 5 dozen!! 

He said he knew how much I loved them, so he got them all for me. 

Here's the quickie cell phone pic of my ring - bling bling! 

And a couple of the ring with my roses:

I absolutely LOVE it. It's classic and timeless, just beautiful. We got the matching band too (for a heck of a deal!). I'm getting married!!!!! 

Enjoy your new day! 

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